skeleton schriebWelches panel und welcher Musikplayer?? ncmpcpp oder sowas? Könntest du mal die configs posten??
Das ist das "Panel" von Subtle. Und es ist ncmpcpp.
Config ncmpcpp (fast nicht bearbeitet iirc):
## this is example configuration file, copy it to ##
## ~/.ncmpcpp/config and set up your preferences ##
##### connection settings #####
## set it in order to make tag editor and renaming files work properly
#mpd_host = "localhost"
#mpd_port = "6600"
mpd_music_dir = "~/musik/Mp3/"
#mpd_connection_timeout = "5"
#mpd_crossfade_time = "5"
#mpd_communication_mode = "polling" (polling/notifications)
##### music visualizer #####
## Note: In order to make music visualizer work you'll
## need to use mpd fifo output, whose format parameter
## has to be set to 44100:16:1. Example configuration:
## (it has to be put into mpd.conf)
## audio_output {
## type "fifo"
## name "My FIFO"
## path "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
## format "44100:16:1"
## }
#visualizer_fifo_path = ""
## Note: Below parameter is needed for ncmpcpp
## to determine which output provides data for
## visualizer and thus allow syncing between
## visualization and sound as currently there
## are some problems with it.
#visualizer_output_name = ""
## Note: To enable spectrum frequency visualization
## you need to compile ncmpcpp with fftw3 support.
#visualizer_type = "wave" (spectrum/wave)
##### system encoding #####
## ncmpcpp should detect your charset encoding
## but if it failed to do so, you can specify
## charset encoding you are using here.
## Note: You can see whether your ncmpcpp build
## supports charset detection by checking output
## of `ncmpcpp --version`.
## Note: Since MPD uses utf8 by default, setting
## this option makes sense only if your encoding
## is different.
#system_encoding = ""
##### delays #####
## delay after playlist highlighting will be disabled (0 = don't disable)
#playlist_disable_highlight_delay = "5"
## defines how long various messages are supposed to be visible
#message_delay_time = "4"
##### song format #####
## for song format you can use:
## %l - length
## %f - filename
## %D - directory
## %a - artist
## %t - title
## %b - album
## %y - year
## %n - track number (01/12 -> 01)
## %N - full track info (01/12 -> 01/12)
## %g - genre
## %c - composer
## %p - performer
## %d - disc
## %C - comment
## $R - begin right alignment
## you can also put them in { } and then it will be displayed
## only if all requested values are available and/or define alternate
## value with { }|{ } eg. {%a - %t}|{%f}
## Note: Format that is similar to "%a - %t" (i.e. without any additional
## braces) is equal to "{%a - %t}", so if one of the tags is missing,
## you'll get nothing.
## text can also have different color than the main window has,
## eg. if you want length to be green, write $3%l$9
## available values:
## - 0 - default window color (discards all other colors)
## - 1 - black
## - 2 - red
## - 3 - green
## - 4 - yellow
## - 5 - blue
## - 6 - magenta
## - 7 - cyan
## - 8 - white
## - 9 - end of current color
## Note: colors can be nested.
#song_list_format = "{%a - }{%t}|{$8%f$9}$R{$3(%l)$9}"
#song_status_format = "{{%a{ \"%b\"{ (%y)}} - }{%t}}|{%f}"
#song_library_format = "{%n - }{%t}|{%f}"
#tag_editor_album_format = "{(%y) }%b"
## Note: Below variables are for alternative version of user's interface.
## Their syntax supports all tags and colors listed above plus some extra
## markers used for text attributes. They are followed by character '$'.
## After that you can put:
## - b - bold text
## - u - underline text
## - r - reverse colors
## - a - use alternative character set
## If you don't want to use an attribute anymore, just put it again, but
## this time insert character '/' between '$' and attribute character,
## e.g. {$b%t$/b}|{$r%f$/r} will display bolded title tag or filename
## with reversed colors.
#alternative_header_first_line_format = "$b$1$aqqu$/a$9 {%t}|{%f} $1$atqq$/a$9$/b"
#alternative_header_second_line_format = "{{$4$b%a$/b$9}{ - $7%b$9}{ ($4%y$9)}}|{%D}"
## Note: Below variables also supports
## text attributes listed above.
#now_playing_prefix = "$b"
#now_playing_suffix = "$/b"
#browser_playlist_prefix = "$2playlist$9 "
#selected_item_prefix = "$6"
#selected_item_suffix = "$9"
## colors are not supported for below variable
#song_window_title_format = "{%a - }{%t}|{%f}"
##### columns settings #####
## syntax of song columns list format is "column column etc."
## - syntax for each column is:
## (width of column)[column's color]{displayed tag}
## Note: Width is by default in %, if you want a column to
## have fixed size, add 'f' after the value, e.g. (10)[white]{a}
## will be the column that take 10% of screen (so the real column's
## width will depend on actual screen size), whereas (10f)[white]{a}
## will take 10 terminal cells, no matter how wide the screen is.
## - color is optional (if you want the default one, type [])
## Note: You can give a column additional attributes by putting appropriate
## character after displayed tag character. Available attributes are:
## - r - column will be right aligned
## - E - if tag is empty, empty tag marker won't be displayed
## E.g. {lr} will give you right aligned column of lengths.
#song_columns_list_format = "(7f)[green]{l} (25)[cyan]{a} (40)[]{t} (30)[red]{b}"
##### various settings #####
## Note: Custom command that will be executed each
## time song changes. Useful for notifications etc.
## Attention: It doesn't support song format anymore.
## Use `ncmpcpp --now-playing SONG_FORMAT` instead.
#execute_on_song_change = ""
#playlist_show_remaining_time = "no"
playlist_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
browser_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
search_engine_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
#incremental_seeking = "yes"
#seek_time = "1"
autocenter_mode = "yes"
#centered_cursor = "no"
progressbar_look = "=>"
#default_place_to_search_in = "database" (database/playlist)
#user_interface = "classic" (classic/alternative)
#media_library_left_column = "a" (possible values: a,y,g,c,p, legend above)
#default_find_mode = "wrapped" (wrapped/normal)
#default_space_mode = "add" (add/select)
#default_tag_editor_left_col = "albums" (albums/dirs)
#default_tag_editor_pattern = "%n - %t"
#header_visibility = "yes"
#statusbar_visibility = "yes"
#header_text_scrolling = "yes"
#fancy_scrolling = "yes"
#cyclic_scrolling = "no"
#lines_scrolled = "2"
#follow_now_playing_lyrics = "no"
#ncmpc_like_songs_adding = "no" (enabled - add/remove, disabled - always add)
#show_hidden_files_in_local_browser = "no"
#display_screens_numbers_on_start = "yes"
## How shall key_screen_switcher work?
## - yes - always switch between browser and playlist
## - no - switch between current and last used screen
#screen_switcher_browser_only = "yes"
#jump_to_now_playing_song_at_start = "yes"
#ask_before_clearing_main_playlist = "no"
#clock_display_seconds = "no"
display_bitrate = "yes"
display_remaining_time = "no"
#regular_expressions = "basic" (basic/extended)
## Note: If below is enabled, ncmpcpp will ignore leading
## "The" word while sorting items in browser, tags in
## media library, etc.
#ignore_leading_the = "no"
#block_search_constraints_change_if_items_found = "yes"
#mouse_support = "yes"
#mouse_list_scroll_whole_page = "yes"
#empty_tag_marker = "<empty>"
#tag_editor_extended_numeration = "no"
#enable_window_title = "yes"
## Note: These triggers will allow you to phisically remove
## files and directories from your hdd in using ncmpcpp's
## browser screen.
#allow_physical_files_deletion = "no"
#allow_physical_directories_deletion = "no"
##### lyrics support #####
## supported lyrics databases:
## - 1 -
#lyrics_database = "1"
external_editor = "geany"
#use_console_editor = "no" (set to yes, if your editor is console app)
##### colors definitions #####
#colors_enabled = "yes"
#empty_tag_color = "cyan"
#header_window_color = "default"
#volume_color = "default"
#state_line_color = "default"
#state_flags_color = "default"
#main_window_color = "yellow"
#color1 = "white"
#color2 = "green"
#main_window_highlight_color = "yellow"
#progressbar_color = "default"
#statusbar_color = "default"
#alternative_ui_separator_color = "black"
#active_column_color = "red"
#window_border_color = "green"
#active_window_border = "red"
Config Subtle (subtle.rb, mehr oder weniger angepasst):
# Author:: Christoph Kappel <>
# Version:: $Id$
# License:: GNU GPL
# = Subtle example configuration
# This file will be installed as default and can also be used as a starter for an own
# custom configuration file. The system wide config usually resides in +/etc/xdg/subtle+
# and the user config in +HOME/.config/subtle+, both locations are dependent on the
# locations specified by +XDG_CONFIG_DIRS+ and +XDG_CONFIG_HOME+.
# == Options
# Following options change behaviour and sizes of the window manager:
# Border size in pixel of the windows
:border => 1,
# Window move/resize steps in pixel per keypress
:step => 5,
# Window screen border snapping
:snap => 5,
# Default starting gravity for windows
:gravity => :center,
# Make transient windows urgent
:urgent => true,
# Enable respecting of size hints globally
:resize => true,
# Screen size padding (left, right, top, bottom)
:padding => [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
# Font string (see xfontsel)
#:font => "-*-terminus-*-*-*-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
#:font => "-*-*-medium-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
:font => "-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
# == Panel
# The next configuration values determine the layout and placement of the panel. Generally,
# the panel in subtle consists of two independent bars, one on the top and one at the bottom
# of the screen. In Xinerama setups there will only be panels visible on the first screen.
# The top and bottom bar can contain different items and will be hidden when empty.
# Following items are available:
# [*:views*] List of views with buttons
# [*:title*] Title of the current active window
# [*:tray*] Systray icons
# [*:sublets*] Installed sublets
# [*:spacer*] Variable spacer
# Content of the top panel
:top => [ :views, :title, :spacer, :tray, :sublets ],
# Content of the bottom panel
:bottom => [ ],
# Add stipple to panels
:stipple => false,
# Separator between sublets
:separator => "]["
# == Colors
# Colors directly define the look of subtle, valid values are:
# [*hexadecimal*] #0000ff
# [*decimal*] (0, 0, 255)
# [*names*] blue
# Whenever there is no valid value for a color set - subtle will use a default one. There
# is only one exception to this: If no background color is given no color will be set. This
# will ensure a custom background pixmap won't be overwritten.
# Foreground color of panel and separator
:fg_panel => "#B9B165",
# Foreground color of view button
:fg_views => "#999999",
# Foreground color of sublets
:fg_sublets => "#D7D67B",
# Foreground color of focus window titles and active views
:fg_focus => "#D7D67B",
# Foreground color of urgent window titles and views
:fg_urgent => "#B9B165",
# Background color of panel
:bg_panel => "#404040",#"#404040", #"#202020",
# Background color of view button
:bg_views => "#404040",#"#404040", #"#202020",
# Background color of sublets
:bg_sublets => "#404040",#"#404040", #"#202020",
# Background color of focus window titles and active views
:bg_focus => "#404040",#"#404040",#"#202020",
# Background color of urgent window titles and views
:bg_urgent => "#404040",#"#404040", #"#202020",
# Border color of focus windows
:border_focus => "#909090",#"#303030",
# Border color of normal windows
:border_normal => "#404040", #"#202020",
# Background color of root background
#:background => "#757575"
# == Gravities
# Gravities are predefined sizes a window can be set to. There are several ways to set a
# certain gravity, most convenient is to define a gravity via a tag or change them during
# runtime via grab. Subtler and subtlext can also modify gravities.
# A gravity consists of four values which are a percentage value of the screen size. The first
# two values are x and y starting at the center of the screen and he last two values are the
# width and height.
# === Example
# Following defines a gravity for a window with 100% width and height:
# :example = [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ]
:top_left => [ 0, 0, 49, 47 ],
:top_left66 => [ 0, 0, 49, 66 ],
:top_left33 => [ 0, 0, 49, 33 ],
:top => [ 0, 0, 100, 50 ],
:top66 => [ 0, 0, 100, 66 ],
:top33 => [ 0, 0, 100, 33 ],
:top_right => [ 100, 0, 50, 47 ],
:top_right66 => [ 100, 0, 50, 66 ],
:top_right33 => [ 100, 0, 50, 33 ],
:left => [ 0, 0, 49, 100 ],
:left66 => [ 0, 50, 49, 66 ],
:left33 => [ 0, 50, 49, 33 ],
:left_3 => [ 0, 59, 49, 21 ],
:center => [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ],
:center99 => [ 0, 0, 100, 98 ],
:center66 => [ 50, 50, 85, 85 ],
:center33 => [ 50, 50, 50, 33 ],
:right => [ 100, 0, 50, 100 ],
:right66 => [ 100, 50, 50, 33 ],
:right33 => [ 100, 50, 24, 33 ],
:right_3 => [ 100, 59, 50, 21 ],
:bottom_left => [ 0, 100, 49, 53 ],
:bottom_left66 => [ 0, 100, 49, 66 ],
:bottom_left33 => [ 0, 100, 49, 33 ],
:bottom_left_3 => [ 0, 100, 33, 33 ],
:bottom => [ 0, 100, 100, 50 ],
:bottom66 => [ 0, 100, 100, 66 ],
:bottom33 => [ 0, 100, 20, 33 ],
:bottom_3 => [ 50, 100, 33, 33 ],
:bottom_right => [ 100, 100, 50, 50 ],
:bottom_right66 => [ 100, 100, 24, 33 ],
:bottom_right33 => [ 100, 100, 50, 33 ],
:bottom_right_3 => [ 100, 100, 33, 33 ]
# == Dmenu
# This is just an example how to use dmenu with colors defined in the subtle config.
@dmenu = "dmenu_run -fn '%s' -nb '%s' -nf '%s' -sb '%s' -sf '%s' -p 'Open:>'" % [
COLORS[:bg_panel], COLORS[:fg_panel],
COLORS[:bg_focus], COLORS[:fg_focus]
# == Grabs
# Grabs are keyboard and mouse actions within subtle, every grab can be assigned either
# to a key and/or to a mouse button combination. A grab consists of a chain and an action.
# === Chain
# A chain is a string of modifiers, mouse buttons and normal keys separated by a hyphen.
# ==== Modifiers:
# [*S*] Shift key
# [*A*] Alt key
# [*C*] Control key
# [*W*] Super (Windows key)
# [*M*] Meta key
# ==== Mouse buttons:
# [*B1*] Button1
# [*B2*] Button2
# [*B3*] Button3
# [*B4*] Button4
# [*B5*] Button5
# === Action
# An action is something that happens when a grab is activated, this can be one of the following:
# [*symbol*] Run a subtle action
# [*string*] Start a certain program
# [*array*] Cycle through gravities
# [*lambda*] Run a Ruby proc
# === Example
# This will create a grab that starts a xterm when Alt+Enter are pressed:
# "A-Return" => "xterm"
# Switch to view1, view2, ...
"W-1" => :ViewJump1,
"W-2" => :ViewJump2,
"W-3" => :ViewJump3,
"W-4" => :ViewJump4,
# Move mouse to screen1, screen2, ...
"W-A-1" => :ScreenJump1,
"W-A-2" => :ScreenJump2,
"W-A-3" => :ScreenJump3,
"W-A-4" => :ScreenJump4,
# Move window to screen1, screen2, ...
"A-S-1" => :WindowScreen1,
"A-S-2" => :WindowScreen2,
"A-S-3" => :WindowScreen3,
"A-S-4" => :WindowScreen4,
# Force reload of sublets
"W-C-s" => :SubletsReload,
# Force reload of config
"W-C-r" => :SubtleReload,
# Quit subtle
"W-C-q" => :SubtleQuit,
# Move current window
"W-B1" => :WindowMove,
# Resize current window
"W-B3" => :WindowResize,
# Toggle floating mode of window
"W-f" => :WindowFloat,
# Toggle fullscreen mode of window
"W-space" => :WindowFull,
# Toggle sticky mode of window (will be visible on all views)
"W-s" => :WindowStick,
# Raise window
"W-r" => :WindowRaise,
# Lower window
"W-l" => :WindowLower,
# Select next windows
"W-Left" => :WindowLeft,
"W-Down" => :WindowDown,
"W-Up" => :WindowUp,
"W-Right" => :WindowRight,
# Kill current window
"W-C-x" => :WindowKill,
# Cycle between given gravities
#"W-KP_7" => [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ],
"W-S-7" => [ :top_left, :top_left66, :top_left33 ],
#"W-KP_8" => [ :top, :top66, :top33 ],
"W-S-8" => [ :top, :top66, :top33 ],
#"W-KP_9" => [ :top_right, :top_right66, :top_right33 ],
"W-S-9" => [ :top_right, :top_right66, :top_right33 ],
#"W-KP_4" => [ :left, :left66, :left33 ],
"W-S-u" => [ :left, :left66, :left33, :left_3 ],
#"W-KP_5" => [ :center, :center66, :center33 ],
"W-S-i" => [ :center, :center99, :center66, :center33 ],
#"W-KP_6" => [ :right, :right66, :right33 ],
"W-S-o" => [ :right, :right66, :right33, :right_3 ],
#"W-KP_1" => [ :bottom_left, :bottom_left66, :bottom_left33 ],
"W-S-j" => [ :bottom_left, :bottom_left66, :bottom_left33, :bottom_left_3 ],
#"W-KP_2" => [ :bottom, :bottom66, :bottom33 ],
"W-S-k" => [ :bottom, :bottom66, :bottom33, :bottom_3 ],
#"W-KP_3" => [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ],
"W-S-l" => [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33, :bottom_right_3 ],
# Exec some programs
##"W-Return" => "urxvt",
"W-Return" => "urxvt", #-tr -sh 40",
"W-q" => @dmenu,
# Run Ruby lambdas
"S-F2" => lambda { |c| puts },
"S-F3" => lambda { puts version }
# == Tags
# Tags are generally used in subtle for placement of windows. This placement is strict,
# that means that - aside from other tiling window managers - windows must have a matching
# tag to be on a certain view. This also includes that windows that are started on a certain
# view will not automatically be placed there.
# There are to ways to define a tag:
# [*string*] With a WM_CLASS/WM_NAME
# [*hash*] With a hash of properties
# === Default
# Whenever a window has no tag it will get the default tag and be placed on the default view.
# The default view can either be set by the user with adding the default tag to a view by
# choice or otherwise the first defined view will be chosen automatically.
# === Properties
# Additionally tags can do a lot more then just control the placement - they also have properties
# than can define and control some aspects of a window like the default gravity or the default
# screen per view.
# [*:float*] This property either sets the tagged client floating or prevents it from being
# floating depending on the value.
# [*:full*] This property either sets the tagged client to fullscreen or prevents it from being
# set to fullscreen depending on the value.
# [*:gravity*] This property sets a certain to gravity to the tagged client, but only on views that
# have this tag too.
# [*:match*] This property influcences the matching of tags, per default tags will only match the
# WM_NAME and the WM_CLASS portion of a client. Match expects an array with following
# possible values:
# [*:name*] match the WM_NAME
# [*:instance*] match the first (instance) part from WM_CLASS
# [*:class*] match the second (class) part from WM_CLASS
# [*:role*] match the window role
# [*:regex*] This property sets the matching pattern for a tag. Matching works either via plain,
# regex (see regex) or window id. If a pattern matches more than once ONLY the first
# match will be used.
# [*:resize*] This property either enables or disables honoring of client resize hints and is
# independent of the global option.
# [*:screen*] This property sets a certain to screen to the tagged client, but only on views that
# have this tag too. Please keep in mind that screen count starts with 0 for the first
# screen.
# [*:size*] This property sets a certain to size as well as floating to the tagged client, but
# only on views that have this tag too. It expects an array with x, y, width and height
# values.
# [*:stick*] This property either sets the tagged client to stick or prevents it from being set to
# stick depending on the value. Stick clients are visible on every view.
# [*:urgent*] This property either sets the tagged client to be urgent or prevents it from being
# urgent depending on the value. Urgent clients will get keyboard and mouse focus
# automatically.
TAGS = {
"terms" => "[u]?rxvt",
"browser" => "uzbl|opera|firefox|navigator|midori",
"mail" => "Thunderbird",
"editor" => { :regex => "[g]?vim", :resize => true },
"stick" => { :regex => "psi|mplayer|imagemagick|keepassx|mount-gtk|blueman-manager|gnote|tint2", :float => true, :stick => true },
"float" => { :regex => "gimp", :float => true },
"fixed" => { :geometry => [ 10, 10, 100, 100 ], :stick => true },
"resize" => { :regex => "sakura|gvim", :resize => true },
"gravity" => { :gravity => :center }
# == Views
# Views are the virtual desktops in subtle, they show all windows that share a tag with them.
# Windows that have no tag will be visible on the default view which is the view with the
# default tag or the first defined view when this tag isn't set.
"desk" => "default",
"term" => "terms",
"web" => "browser",
"mail" => "mail"
# == Hooks
# And finally hooks are a way to bind Ruby scripts to a certain event. Following hooks exist so far:
# [*:HookCreate*] Called whenever a window is created
# [*:HookJump*] Called whenever the view is switched
# [*:HookConfigure*] Called whenever a view is configured
# [*:HookFocus*] Called whenever a window gets focus
# === Example
# This hook will print the name of the window that gets the focus:
# :HookFocus => lambda { |c| puts }
HOOKS = { }
# vim:ts=2:bs=2:sw=2:et:fdm=marker