grüß euch,
ich will mir einen service zum, nach dem login, anmelden service basteln, aber (oh wunder) das will nicht so funktionieren.
der service schaut so aus:
Description=wayfire session for tom
Environment=XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland XDG_CACHE_HOME=/tmp/.cache XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=wayfire
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chvt 1
ExecStart=/usr/bin/wayfire -d -- vt1 -keeptty -verbose 3
die status meldung sagt das:
tom@donar ~ % systemctl --user status wayfire.service
× wayfire.service - wayfire session for tom
Loaded: loaded (/home/tom/.config/systemd/user/wayfire.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: timeout) since Wed 2024-06-26 10:19:58 CEST; 6min ago
Duration: 1min 30.058s
Invocation: f8174d2aa45c4aa8bfee3ab5eefcc212
Process: 1254 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chvt 1 (code=killed, signal=TERM)
Failed to find catalog entry: Ungültige Nachricht
Jun 26 10:18:28 donar systemd[630]: Started wayfire session for tom.
Jun 26 10:19:58 donar systemd[630]: wayfire.service: start-pre operation timed out. Terminating.
Failed to find catalog entry: Ungültige Nachricht
Jun 26 10:19:58 donar systemd[630]: wayfire.service: Control process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
Failed to find catalog entry: Ungültige Nachricht
Jun 26 10:19:58 donar systemd[630]: wayfire.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
kann mir jemand verraten, warums da ein timeout gibt?
übrigens,systemd-analyze verify .config/systemd/user/wayfire.service
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